Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The incalculable cost of mass incarceration

Nonviolent offenders serving life sentences without parole are a cash cow for prison profiteers.

Detainees at the Adelanto Detention Facility on Nov. 15, 2013, in Adelanto, Calif. It is the largest and newest ICE detention center in the state and is managed by the Geo Group, a private company.


On-Campus Racism: SJSU Students Arrested for Torturing Black Roommate

America is not a post-racial society. Black people are reminded of that everyday. One black student at San Jose State Universitylearned that lesson when he was allegedly attacked and tortured by three white roommates on-campusColin Warren, 18, Joseph Bomgardner, 19, and Logan Beaschler, 18, were arrested and charged on Wednesday, November 20th, with misdemeanor hate crime and battery charges following these events. If convicted, they could face up to a year in jail.



Three young women who belong to the Inland Empire Immigrant  Youth Coalition, an affiliate of the California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance, have locked themselves to the gates of the Adelanto detention center to protest unjust deportations and the inhumane treatment of inmates inside.


The Mik’maq Blockade

The Mik’maq Blockade has cost the gas company an estimated $50,000 per day, and has been ongoing for two weeks. Today’s crack down is a direct betrayal of a peace process ongoing between the Elsipogtog and the New Brunswick premier, and a violation of the rights of Indigenous Peoples as according to the UN. The government of Canada has instigated a major diplomatic incident, and global solidarity is coming in from countries around the world.
The whole world is watching!
IMPORTANT: For those who want to show their support and cannot make it to the site please call or email : Call/email the Premier’s Office in New Brunswick, Canada: premier@gnb.ca or (506) 453-2144

Cyberfeminism vs. Afrofuturistfeminism

There are differences and sameness on some accounts within cyberfeminism versus afrofuturistfeminism, I’ll quickly list the basics.
Cyber Feminists and Afrofuturist Feminists agree that Western Marxist/socialist/radical feminism, rooted in class conflict and gender roles to create a naturalize unity amongst women left no room in their structure for race, therefore for decades othering the Black body within feminism.
In an effort to keep this portion short since most futurist feminists are familiar with Donna Haraway’s “A Cyborg Manifesto,” cyber feminism is rooted in science/machine/technology/genderlessness; it sees Science Fiction as post-modernist and the group’s main framework is dependent on the binaries of White Capitalist Patriarchy versus Informatics of Domination. It imagines a utopian world without an origin and negates gender.
Afrofuturist Feminism is rooted in ethnicity and gender; understanding their African Diasporian continuum, the group sees their supernatural ambiguity to shape-shift in natural and manifested surroundings as a genealogical code that predates post modern Science Fiction. The group’s main framework is dependent on the binaries of ethnicity and womanhood versus everything that marginalizes and oppresses their group—including technology if necessary—yet, it openly embraces technology as a choice, and not as the final option, to further the African Diasporian continuum.
Afrofuturist Feminists do not negate their history as the group works on a continuum of past, present, future and must utilize the Sankofa principle of “it is not wrong for one to go back and take that which they have forgotten” or “simply go back and take,” therefore, they do not imagine a world without gender nor genesis. Simply put: Afrofuturist Feminists embrace ethnicity with technology, as long as technology doesn’t seek to marginalize the group, they do not need to eradicate the Black or female body nor the history it has witnessed. Utopianism for the group is keeping the Black female body by choice, and the body cohabitates with the world around it without being othered. Note, Afrofuturist Feminists shape-shift so, hybridization, including robotics, etc, may occur, but it’s not a permanent state that solely negates the Black female body. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Artworks Disappear Overnight As 5 Pointz Graffiti Haven Is Painted White

This building has been used by graffiti writers around the city of New York and the world as a free canvass to create.  With total permission from building owner....but last month the owner got the city’s permission to tear 5 Pointz down and build 800 luxury condos and 200 affordable units.  Here we go, thank you gentrification for once again pushing out barrio people from their hood, safe creative spaces for exchange...to "develop".

The $400 million "redevelopment" project will include a new public park, over 50,000 square feet of retail space and a 250 space public parking garage.

Check out articles here:



